Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Locarno Film Festival, Open Doors: spotlight on India

The Locarno Film Festival 2011’s co-production lab Open Doors will focus on India. Pro Helvetia is supporting Rajnesh Domalpalli who will be visiting Locarno to attend the festival. [dated August 2011]

The 64th Locarno International Film Festival has announced India as the focus country for 2011 in the prized “Open Doors” section. Pro Helvetia is supporting Rajnesh Domalpalli, a young film maker from Hyderabad, who will be visiting Locarno to attend the festival. Rajnesh’s film Vanaja will be screened at the festival. From over 200 projects submitted, in 18 different languages, from 30 regions in India, these are the 12 finalists which will participate in Open Doors, the Festival del film Locarno’s co-production lab. 

Other selected projects are: Aharbal Falls by Ajay Raina Ajeeb Aashiq by Natasha Mendonca Arunoday / Sunrise by Partho Sen-Gupta Burqa Boxers by Alka Raghuram Char, The Island Within by Sourav Sarangi Jat Panchayat / The Judgement by Satish Manwar Lasya / The Gentle Dance by Anup Singh Samaadhi / The Penance by Sidharth Srinivasan Sebastian Wants to Remember by Vasant Nath The Trapper's Snare by Shanker Raman Thread / Le Fil by Lilium Leonard Vidhvastha / Devastated by Ashish Avikunthak The Open Doors co-production lab will take place August 6-9, 2011 as part of the 64th edition of the Festival del film Locarno. For more information on the Open Doors section of the Locarno Film Festival click here. For more information on the Locarno Film Festival click here.

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