Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Chris Solarski invited for the 5th Animation Convention in New Delhi
Chris Solarski whose work explores the intersections between video games and classical art and animation and film, will conduct workshops in Delhi.

Cinedarbaar in partnership with Pro Helvetia - Swiss Arts Council has invited Chris Solarski from Switzerland to participate at the 5th Animation Convention in New Delhi. 

Swiss game designer, Chris Solarski's work explores the intersections between video games and classical art, animation and film, with a focus on adapting techniques that help artists convey complex narratives and emotions in games.

Dates: 17 - 19 October 2014 
Venue: NSIC Exhibition Complex, Okhla, New Delhi 
Entry: As per convention rules

Chris Solarski is an artist, game designer and author from Zurich, Switzerland, who is interested in the intersections between video games and classical art, animation and film. His works explore how player interaction has changed the way in which images are interpreted and engaged with. His focus is on adapting techniques that help artists convey complex narratives and emotions in video games.

AnimeCon-Character Design Workshop
This practical workshop will focus on classical art techniques from Chris Solarski's book, Drawing Basics and Video Game Art: Classic to Cutting Edge Art Techniques for Winning Game Design (Watson-Guptill 2012). Attendees will learn a reliable process for concept development as well as how to create unique and exciting characters. The workshop will begin with a presentation introducing fundamental design concepts and follow with a series of exercises including, drawing basics (perspective, form and light), character gesture drawing and concept development. Attendees will then be free to develop their character concepts over the course of AnimeCon with regular feedback from Chris. 

Additionally, Chris Solarski has been invited to conduct a workshop/masterclass 
on Monday 20 October for students of AJK Mass Communication Research Centre (MCRC), Jamia Millia Islamia in Delhi. The workshop, Visual Art Development for Game Design will focus on classical art techniques from Chris Solarski's book, Drawing Basics and Video Game Art: Classic to Cutting Edge Art Techniques for Winning Game Design (Watson-Guptill 2012).

For more information on Chris Solarski visit www.solarskistudio.com

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