Sunday, 15 May 2016

Photography in Switzerland - online resource
A new website on photography in Switzerland. Find museums, galleries, collections, archives, libraries, festivals, schools in Switzerland!

ASIP (Association Suisse des Institutions pour la Photographie) has launched a new website to make photographic institutions and initiatives in Switzerland more visible and easy to reach. Find museums, galleries, collections, archives, libraries, festivals, schools in Switzerland. 

Photography in Switzerland - online resource 

About ASIP 
ASIP was founded in 1996 as the Association of Swiss Photographic Institutions. It promotes communication and networking between various institutions, museums, galleries, collections, archives, libraries and schools, and supports political and cultural policy lobbying. ASIP campaigns for the significance of photography in Swiss cultural life. 

Current member institutions (as on 1 May 2016)
Archivio di Stato del Cantone Ticino, Bellinzona; Archivio Roberto Donetta, Corzoneso; Basler Mission, Basel; BCU, Fribourg; Bernische Stiftung für Fotografie, Film, Video, Kunstmuseum Bern, Bern; Bibliothèque de la Ville Département Audiovisuel, La Chaux-de-Fonds; Bildarchiv der ETH-Bibliothek, Zürich; Camera Arts, Luzern; CEMCAV (Centre d'enseignement médical et de communication audio- visuelle), Lausanne; Centre d'enseignement professionnel, Vevey; Centre de photographie Genève, Genève; Centre d'Iconographie genevoise, Genève; Mediathèque Valais (Centre valaisan du film et de la photographie), Martigny; Collectif'image, Lausanne; Focale, Nyon; Cons Arc, Chiasso; Festival Alt. +1000, Rossinière; Focale, Nyon; Fondation de l'Elysée, Lausanne; Institut suisse pour la conservation de la photographie (Fondation Suisse pour la Conservation et la Restauration du Patrimoine Photographique), Neuchâtel; Fotomuseum Winterthur, Winterthur; Fotostiftung Schweiz, Winterthur; Nationalmuseum, Zürich; Imaging &Media Lab, Basel; Mediacentre Fribourgeois , Fribourg; Journées photographiques de Bienne, Biel; Médiathèque Valais, Martigny; MEMORIAV, Berne; Musée d'art et d'histoire, Neuchâtel; Musée de l'Elysée, Lausanne; Musée suisse de l'appareil photographique, Vevey; (Le) Musée Olympique, Lausanne; Museo Cantonale d'Arte, Lugano; Museum Bellpark, Kriens; Museum für Kommunikation, Bern; Photoforum Pasquart, Bienne; Sammlung Herzog, Basel; Near, Lausanne; Photopera, Genève; Schweizerische Nationalbibliothek, Bern; Staatsarchiv Aargau, Aarau; Ufficio della Cultura, Chiasso.

Supported by Pro Helvetia - Swiss Arts Council and Volkart Foundation 

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